Are you under a lot of pressure? Maybe you’re feeling a little overloaded right now. Stress is a vital aspect of your body’s natural fight-or-flight response to danger. Your forefathers needed that adrenaline rush to escape tigers, avalanches, and hostile tribes, and you need it to escape real physical danger as well. As long as the stress response is relatively transitory, it can assist you get through a difficult period. What you don’t need or want is persistent underlying stress—the kind that keeps you up at night. An misaligned first chakra causes stress, which is extremely harmful to your health and quality of life.
But there is still hope! In reality, using energy healing practices to help anchor and reconnect you to your body, you can clear and balance your first chakra very effortlessly.
Your Health’s Governors: Chakras
Chakras are energy focal points in your body that line up down your spine, as you may know if you’re familiar with yoga or energy therapy. Each of the seven physical chakras corresponds to distinct body components, as well as emotional and mental realms. The seven chakras govern all aspects of your life, from relationships to wealth, communication to career, and physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
When a chakra is clear and open, it rotates smoothly, transferring energy between your personal field and the universal field. You require this unified field’s new energy to nourish and maintain your health. When your chakras are out of balance or blocked, your energy flow is disrupted, which can lead to a variety of health issues. The immune system, legs and feet, tailbone and colon, and bones can all be affected by a distorted first chakra.
The First Chakra and Chronic Stress
Stress can be caused by any of your chakras being distorted, but the most common source of chronic stress I find in patients is the generalized anxiety caused by an ungrounded first chakra. This is the kind of stress that lessens but never goes away, and it happens even when there are no external stresses.
If you are constantly stressed, even when life is relatively calm, and you have some of the physical symptoms listed above, as well as any of the following other common symptoms of an imbalanced first chakra: a “spacey” or “floaty” feeling, difficulty with organization or focus, fatigue, sleeping problems, or feeling like a victim, your first chakra most likely requires attention and healing.
Imbalanced First Chakra: What Causes It?
Any sort of abuse or trauma that made you feel insecure, especially if you experienced it as a child, might induce distortions in the first chakra. Abuse, abandonment, divorce, accidents, and disease are all common catalysts for separating oneself from your body because it is too painful or frightening to stay. Years of energy healing classes, working with spiritual teachers and healers, and meditation taught me that being in my body was the only way to heal the trauma. Staying present and connected to your root chakra is the only way to protect yourself from damage.
Your foundation, roots, and base
Your foundation is your first chakra. It’s at the base of your spine and serves as the foundation for the entire chakra system. What happens if you try to construct a structure on shaky ground? At best, the structure will be unstable, and at worst, it will collapse totally. Trying to create a strong chakra system on a Jell-o lot is like to trying to build a house on a Jell-o lot.
If this first chakra, which serves as a foundation, is not charged and healthy, the rest of your chakras, as well as your overall well-being, will suffer. This is why chronic tension is caused by a blocked or distorted base chakra: how can you relax if your entire energy flow is disrupted? Feeling insecure and uneasy is a sign that your first chakra is in need of attention.
Consider it this way: your first chakra is similar to your roots. It keeps you anchored and securely planted in your body. In fact, the word for the first chakra in Sanskrit means “root support.” Your connection to Mother Earth is governed by the root chakra, which is responsible for supporting and sustaining your life. A tree must spread its roots far enough into the earth to be able to retain its position while also taking food from its surroundings in order to grow tall and robust. You must plant your roots and get anchored in order to heal yourself and nurture your spirit.
Here are three excellent strategies to re-center yourself and reduce stress:
- Go for a walk in the woods.
Because the first chakra is so directly linked to earth energy, interacting with nature is one of the finest methods to clear, charge, and balance it. Walking barefoot directly on land—a grassy field or a sandy beach is a pleasant and calming way to receive earth energy—reconnects your body with the soil. Take a walk, sit next to a tree (or hug one! ), or just sit in the sun. Grounding might be as simple as being outside or touching stone, wood, or water.
- Take some time to meditate.
It’s best to meditate for 20 minutes twice a day, and the more you practice it, the more grounding and calming effects you’ll notice. Meditation, like energy healing, is cumulative, meaning that the outcomes build on past efforts, so keep practicing and the benefits will continue to grow!
- Pay attention to your body.
Yoga, pilates, massage, martial arts, and other forms of exercise that focus on the body are excellent ways to become more body-centered and grounded. Remember that disassociation from the body is one of the causes of first chakra distortion, thus confirming your relationship with your body might help you heal your first chakra.