Transpersonal Energy Medicine ® Level 1 Practitioner level – 22 May 2023

300,00 $

Date 22 May 2023

Introduction to the class/workshop :

We will be teaching Energy medicine for 2 full days, participants will get an accredited certificate from Sydney at the end of the workshop, these theoretical and practical parts, combined the scientific and traditional approaches of energy medicine, the concept of Yin Yang Qi and the dowsing technique (advanced pendulum usage) to assess Chakras and to manipulate Prana for complete emotional, spiritual and physical wellbeing.


What you’ll learn

— On a practical level

  1. Locate the7 Chakras in the body.
  2. Understand the basic functions, energies, and purpose of each chakra
  3. Be able to diagnose whether each chakra is blocked, poor, healthy, congested, or neutral.
  4. Understand the practical steps you need to take to strengthen any one of your chakras.
  5. Identify the chakra orientations in both yourself and others.
  6. Understand how society and culture affects the 7 chakras.
  7. Understand the link between emotions and chakras.
  8. Dowsing the chakras and manipulate the Prana efficiently.
  9. Aura’s assessment.
  10. Connection with the superconscious mind (Theta state).
  11. Mindfulness meditation.

— On a theoretical level

  1. Mind Body Energy and Spirit Correlation (Holistic Approach)
  2. Stress and Relaxation response
  3. Sympathetic and Parasympathetic system
  4. Fight or Flight or Freeze
  5. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs and PERMA map of happiness
  6. The 3 brains of Dr Mcleen and relation between the reptilian brain congestion and energy blockage
  7. The Libet experiment/ Subconscious congestion/ Dr Sarno theory of static electricity
  8. The Link between Thoughts, Emotions, Energy and Somatization
  9. Quantum physics and energy healing
  10. Energy healing definition and types + evidence based practice
  11. Consciousness levels and methods to attain higher state of consciousness
  12. Causes of energy disturbance
  13. The science of Brain waves
  14. Religions and energy (Kabbalah, Hinduism, Sufism and Christian mysticism...)
  15. Mindfulness meditation: Physiological and Psychological benefits)
  16. Ritual of protection before energy work
  17. Chakras significance, assessment and healing
  18. How many bodies do we have and an Auras assessment?
  19. What concretize a good Healer?
  20. Dowsing/Radiesthesia and Prans manipulation
  21. Practice


Who is it for?

Everyone who is passionate about energy and healing, in specific coaches, therapists, Yoga instructors, and Healthcare providers.