Transformational Holistic Breathing
Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts.
Transformational Holistic Breathing ® is a holistic approach that treats the human being in totality “MIND-BODY-SPIRIT & ENERGY”. It includes, but not limited to, the below therapeutic modalities:
- Conscious connected breathing allowing the transformational effects of heightened oxygenation
- Emotional management
- New Self implementation
- Energy assessment and management
- Acupressure therapy
- Sound therapy
- Brain waves therapy
- Trauma release
THB® is the BEST way to release your repressed emotions that hold you back and to discover your true self.
The transformational holistic breathing session follows a meticulous diagnosis in order to offer the client a tailored kind of healing that can do literally miracles, the patient will experience though:
- Deeper healing and relaxation.
- Emotional purge and release.
- Normalization of the energy system.
- Trauma release.
- Deeper transformation of the psyche.
- New self-implementation.
- Spiritual and emotional decongestion.
- Higher state of consciousness.
- Boost of physical wellbeing.
- Increase digestion and metabolism.
- Increase good hormones and enhance mood and cognition.
- Increase emotional intelligence.
- Mind and body detoxification.
- Engenders focus and inner calmness …
Transformational Holistic breathing is for you if you :
- Suffer from stubborn emotional and physical issues.
- Complain from severe emotional blockages and pain.
- Have Experienced Trauma As A Child Or As An Adult.
- Have depression, anxiety insomnia.
- Suffer from any kind of neurosis.
- Complain from psychosomatic diseases.
- Suffer from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.
- Want To Progress In Life But Feel Like Something Is Holding You Back.
- Have Fears You Wish To Overcome.
- Introduction to the class/workshop :
This workshop teaches a very unique therapeutic modality that is holistic in its essence allowing the practitioner to heal the mind-body and energy of himself and others.
Participants will get an accredited certificate from Sydney at the end of the workshop.
Merging the evidence based practice of breathworking therapy and the secrets of old civilizations, breathing can be the cure to get rid of our negative repressed emotions, to stimulate our energy system, to implement a new self-model within our psyche and to regain our physical vitality.
Through this very rich and life changing workshop you will acquire a deep understanding of the conscious connected breathing and different techniques of diagnosis and therapy for a total new you.
What will you learn?
— On a practical level
- Discover a range of science-based tailored breathing techniques according to tongue diagnosis that are very unique and personalized to each and every person.
- Whether you’re looking to level-up your performance at work, stay calm and focused in stressful situations, or even establish a deeper connection with yourself, these tools will help you overcome life’s many challenges.
- Stress-Relief
- Deeper Self-Awareness
- Boost Energy Levels
- Strengthen Immune System
- Improve Focus
- Accelerate Healing
- Emotional Balance
- Rejuvenating Sleep
- Mind/body/energy homeostasis
— On a theoretical level
- This course teaches in-depth:
- The difference between stress and relaxation response and how we can reach extreme relaxation through conscious connected breathing.
- The difference between sympathetic and para-sympathetic system.
- How to stimulate our vagal tone to attain relaxation response.
- Brain waves and consciousness.
- Models of the mind.
- Breathing and Qi, BREATH Definition & Types.
- Similarities between Hypnotherapy and Breath therapy.
- Sound and vibrational therapy.
- Pre-assessment of the breath.
- Energy and Meridians.
- Emotional assessment.
- Energy assessment.
- Tongue diagnosis to determine the type of breathing, position, speed…
- Determination of the old self mental video and the new self-mental video.
- Energy work according to the chakra’s sate (weak or congested).
- Best Acupressure points for the treatment of physical and emotional issues, Positive suggestions.
- Sound therapy to raise the body’s vibratory fields and open chakras, Body traumas release technique.
- Visualization of the new self and the old self.
- Instant induction through the usage of the Tibetan singing bowl freezing the old self and replacing it with the new self-movie or image.
- Projection of the new self into all life aspects of our client leading to complete inner transformation.
- Spiritual anchoring and relaxation response.
Who is it for?
- Everyone who is passionate about the science of breathing, holistic medicine and healing, in specific coaches, therapists, Yoga instructors, and Healthcare providers.
In a summary at the end of this workshop you will be able to :
- Conduct a tongue diagnosis that allows you to study the flow of prana within the body along with the state of different emotions and their reflection within organs and on the physical and psychological health.
- Conduct an in depth emotional assesment and study the effect of Traumas on human psyche, nervous system and body along with different ways of healing.
- Conduct an energy assessment using dowsing technique in addition to different maneuvers for energy restoration.
- Detect the emotional blocks within the different segments of the body, their meaning and ways of traumas and negative emotions release.
- Determine the type, speed, rhythm, volume of the breath for each and every person as a tailored and personified therapy for a complete integrative healing of mind and body.
- Determine the bodily points that can restore the mind/body/spirit complex to its optimal interconnected relationship.
- Understand the application of holistic medicine within the breathworking scope of practice.
- Improve and heal through breathworking therapy stubborn cases related to emotional congestion patterns, complex traumas, psychological issues and physical psychosomatic diseases.
- Implement a new self model within the psyche for long lasting results and much much more…
Levels of training
- Practitioner level
- Advanced level
- Expert level
- Trainer level
Dr. David Abou Khalil
Personal Counselor, Advanced therapist, and Trainer.
Dr. David is specialized in polyvalent therapies such as Mind/Body Approach, Holistic therapy, Chinese medicine and acupuncture, Metaphysical Psychology, Brain rewiring techniques, Physical therapy, Hypnotherapy, CBT and Psychosexual therapy…
Dr. David is driven by the belief that each one of us has the potential to achieve greatness and unlimited abilities merging the traditional therapies with evidence based practices and combining the ancient techniques with the latest tools in research. He has literally changed the life of thousands of people around the globe teaching them as well through his innovative workshops (Transpersonal Energy medicine, the Transformational Holistic breathing and the INVEST self-mastery and life changing curriculum) different ways to rewire their brains, acquire higher states of consciousness and recondition their bodies to make lasting changes!